The so-called IT business alignment is often mentioned when planning the IT orientation. This means that IT should be oriented towards the requirements of the business or that the strategic IT objectives must be aligned with the corporate strategy. From our point of view, IT and business are not two different components of a company that need to be brought together first.
There is no marketing business alignment or finance business alignment, because marketing and finance are not outside the business but are part of the company.
IT is also an integral part of the company and derives its right to exist solely from the support function or Enabling for business. However, two sides of a coin do not have to be awkwardly aligned. This self-image should also be internalized in the planning of the IT realignment. The fact that this self-evidentness is often not sufficiently practiced in companies is on another piece of paper – but in the case of an IT turnaround, there should be no artificial barrier between IT and the rest of the company in mind.